Programming language

CPP is a low level programming language, used for alogrithms and also the bitcoinCore, and the Komodod.

  • First language I learned
  • Used it at my university program to create: AI's, OS's, and algorithms 
  • Used it in work when interacting with the blokchain which is written in CPP or C


Programming language

Python is a high level programming language used for scripts, websites, api's and data management.

  • Used it at university for data projects
  • Used it at the OpenFoodChain project to write: API's and scripts that interact with the blockchain


JavaScript Framework

ReactJS is a javascript framework for frontend's of applications, mostly webapps but it can also be used to create native smartphone applications.

  • Used it at university projects to make webapps
  • Used it to make frond-ends of wallet applications
  • Used it both for webapps and native android applications


Programming language

JavaScript is a highlevel programming language mostly used for websites and webapps.

  • Used it to make multiple wallet applications
  • Used it with frameworks


Blockchain Platform

Komodo is a blockchain platform like Ethereum, however code wise more similar to Bitcoin. It can be used to make your own coins and decentralized applications.

  • Used it to make multiple DApps
  • Used it to make multiple coins
  • Made multilple wallets for coins using the platform


Cloud Management

Kubernetes is software to to deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications anywhere. It the golden standard in

  • Used it to manage Staging and Production enviroments
  • Unboarded clients on these systems
  • Deploy decentralized systems on this


Containerizing Software

Docker is software that can containerize applications, which is the goldenstandard for applications that are used by users.

  • Containerize Decentralized applicaitons
  • Containerize Normal applications

Android Apps

Native Apps for a Opperating System

Android is the biggest mobile phone opperating system

  • Used: Java, Rust, Kotlin, and JavaScript to write native android applications
  • Used Gradle to make buildfiles, and fixed buildfiles
  • Used React-Native framework to make native applications
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